Global alerting and crisis management
Digital crisis management enables a swift reaction in serious incidents
Company crises usually occur without warning - they can be severe and risky. Any company can be affected at any time!
The risk of multi-faceted company crises
Company crises can be multi-faceted, and a threat to the company's existence. Therefore, preventing and defending against these risks is essential for safeguarding the company. However, any company can be affected:
- IT or production breakdowns
- Fire on site
- Substances in a product which are hazardous to health
- A natural disaster in a country with employees who have been sent there
- Bomb threat in a public institution
- Mass casualty incident
- Cyber-attack on your systems
- Killing spree or terrorist attack
- Communication crisis
- Accident when dealing with hazardous substances
Challenges in serious incidents
If an unexpected crisis arises, acting swiftly is required:
- Alerting action forces easily and safely
- Calling telephone conferences
- Providing information to authorities, the media and the public
- Exchanging virtual and secure information and documents
The software-as-a-service solution (SaaS) FACT24 offers you an opportunity for a swift an uncomplicated reaction for coordination in a serious incident, by means of encrypted communication by a crisis committee, and pre-defined alerting procedures in case of emergency. Audit-proof records are available for you for documentation, proof and analysis purposes.
Global alerting and crisis management with FACT24T24
The SaaS solution offers a wide range of possible ways to deal with an emergency:
- Alerting the relevant people, depending on the situation (including feedback)
- Ad hoc arrangement of (iner)national telephone conferences
- Automatically triggering alarms through connected sensors
- Pre-definition of an efficient distribution on tasks
- Manage and monitor crises flexibly via dashboard
- Activate an information hotline an the touch of a button
- Targeted public information
- Overview of external informations sources (weather data, social media etc.)
What sets us apart:
- Global and comprehensive security and risk management
- Consulting, personal security and security technology from a single source
- KÖTTER Security Alliance: International partner network for worldwide uniform security standards
- Single point of contact: a worldwide contact
- Over 80 years experience in the security industry
- FACT24 - web-based, ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 certified alerting solution
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