Make a quality purchase
Extended opening hours and changing consumer behavior, growing sales areas and continually shorter product cycles, massive price competition and additional margin pressure from inventory discrepancies: the retail industry faces diverse challenges. The system solutions from KÖTTER Services provide the right answers and enable concentration on your core business.
- Alarm management systems
- Connection to the KÖTTER control center
- Fire alarm systems
- Fire protection and evacuation concepts
- Doormen
- Intrusion systems
- Reception and gate check services
- Development of security concepts
- Monetary supply and collection and cash processing
- Crisis hotline (e.g. for recall campaigns)
- Acute psychological intervention (e.g. after hold-ups and accidents)
- Area guarding
- Locking services
- Separate guard services
- Video systems
- Access control systems
- Exterior and landscape upkeep
- Resolution of spontaneous soiling
- Disinfecting cleaning
- Glass and facade cleaning
- Caretaker services
- Shelf cleaning
- Cleaning as part of your HACCP concept
- Escalator cleaning
- Sanitary facility cleaning
- Service personnel for conferences
- Maintenance cleaning
- Traffic area cleaning
- Winter services
Human resources services
- Temporary staffing of skilled workers and company executives
- Personnel placement of specialists and executives
- Qualified personnel at the point of sale:
- Cashier and information staff
- Specialized salespeople (all fields)
- Butchers
- Skilled workers for renovations, as well as for product receiving, restocking, arrangement and presentation
- Inventory teams
- Skilled workers for expiration date checks
- Qualified personnel for warehouse logistics:
- Fork-lift truck driver
- Order pickers
- Skilled workers for truck unloading and product logistics (incoming and outgoing product inspections, product storage and provisioning)
- Qualified personnel in the back office:
- Employees for bookkeeping, secretary
- Qualified personnel for other services:
- Shopping cart service
- Parking lot services
- Caretakers for maintenance and service, etc.
Bundled services
Everything from one source – from infrastructural buildings services to system solutions in the operator model.
Nationwide standard
Standardized services available nationwide with additional possibilities for options.
Documented quality
Certified in accordance with DIN ISO 9001 (quality management) and DIN 14001 (environmental management).
More capacity
Relief for personnel and cost-intensive processes.
High availability
Fulfillment of special requirements to bridge personnel bottlenecks (high employee availability, availability outside of business hours).
Reliable data
Reliable service planning (qualified replacement in case of shortfall) and fixed budgets.
Customer-specific human resources planning
Design of a customized human resources concept.
On site
Guaranteed intervention times, fast decision-making, one point of contact.
Reliable calculation
Calculation security through transparent pricing design.
Security that pays dividends
Losses from inventory discrepancies alone now total nearly four million euros every year in the German retail industry. In addition to this, there are risks such as break-ins, fires or robberies. At the same time, the carefree shopping experiences of visitors must be supported with sophisticated security concepts. This makes it clear that solutions integrating security services and technology are especially important.
As cash remains "Germany's favorite child," cash and valuables services also have central relevance. Last but not least, KÖTTER Security is also an expert partner for handling crises. Speaking of "crises:" the crisis hotline is available for recall campaigns and similar sensitive occurrences. That also includes hold-ups, when TERAPON Consulting quickly takes care of victims with psychological acute intervention.
Brilliant businesses
Scene change, five o'clock, a shopping center in a major city. At an early hour, the cleaning specialists are already on site, ensuring that everything shines with familiar brilliance when the doors open. Cleaning the floors with a powerful automatic cleaning machine requires significant effort. At the same time, the team whips all glass surfaces, stairwells, escalators and elevators into shape with the corresponding equipment.
In the adjacent logistics complex, focus is on hall and traffic route cleaning, as well as cleaning of the shelf surfaces and high bays. The range of services is long from exhausted. The offering also includes landscape upkeep and winter services, or the difficult cleaning of facades.
Helping hands
Appealing product presentation, quality assurance flexible staffing and the relief of one's own employees from non-sales tasks: these are more important aspects where the retail industry benefits and which KÖTTER Personnel Services brings to life with long-proven concepts. At the point of sale, coordinated teams ensure that all shelves are freshly stocked after expiration date inspection and that products are appealingly presented with seasonal and decorative changes. Experienced salespeople and specialists provide expert advice based on well-founded product knowledge. So that everything goes as quickly as possible particularly at the end of the purchase, experienced cashiers make sure that no long lines form at checkout, but that the drawers cash out correctly every time. Behind the sales curtains, specialists keep the shop running, as well. This requires smooth-running logistics. Fork-lift truck drivers and order pickers work hand in hand here during incoming and outgoing product inspections.