The right formula: employees from KÖTTER Personal Services
As a result of closely intermeshed production processes and growing competitive pressure, but especially the role as a key industry for other sectors, whose products are important "raw materials" for further industrial processing, personnel management in the chemical and pharmaceuticals industry is particularly important. To cover order peaks, projects, and to bridge personnel bottlenecks due to illness or vacations, KÖTTER Personnel Services employs a variety of industry specialists.
Diverse challenges
Production is agitated because three system operators are out sick at the same time? The flow of goods is piling up in logistics because there just aren't enough employees for all of the tasks? And the administrative personnel for which you've been looking for months simply can't be found? KÖTTER Personnel Services to the rescue: our employees, from chemistry specialists to manufacturing assistants to business experts, will support you with every task that arises in your business.
Administration & research
The areas in which we can place suitable personnel (business experts, chemists, chemistry lab technicians, pharmaceutical assistants, etc.) or provide temporary staffing are as diverse as your organization:
- Lab
- Research & development
- Accounting & controlling
- Personnel / HR
- Marketing & sales
- Purchasing
- IT
- Mailroom
- Quality management
- Secretary & assistants
To prevent downtime or delays in production from ever occurring, our employees provide you with support:
- Machine and plant operators
- Production and process planners
- Manufacturing assistants
- Chemists
- Chemistry technicians
- Chemical-technical assistants
- Pharmaceutical-technical assistants
- Gantry crane operators
- Mechantronics engineers
The perfect flow of goods and professional warehousing of raw materials, auxiliaries and operating resources are ensured by our:
- Warehouse logistics specialists
- Fork-lift truck drivers
- Order picking assistants
- Employees for loading and unloading containers and trucks
- Employees for disposal
- Inventory teams