Customised compliance solutions
to safeguard your corporate governance
If trust in your business is lost, customers, investors, employees etc. will quickly turn to the competition... We will draw on our many years of experience to help you prevent this from happening in the first place!
Why compliance?
We give companies the opportunity to minimise risks and gain and maintain the trust of customers, investors and other stakeholders. Compliance generally refers to complying with laws, regulations and standards and internal guidelines that are relevant to your company.
With our solutions, we will work with you to develop individual processes and strategies aimed at ensuring compliance with these requirements and minimising the risk of regulation breaches.
Safeguarding your corporate governance is a top priority!
It is important that we carry out a thorough risk assessment and analyse the regulations so that we can develop customised compliance solutions for your company. This may include data protection laws, regulations from regulatory authorities, environmental requirements and other industry standards that are relevant to your company.
Implementing processes for identifying, assessing and managing risks can help to minimise potential compliance issues.
Trust is good, control is better
Regular internal monitoring and audits can help to ensure that employees comply with regulations and identify potential problems at an early stage.
The components of our expertise
Based on a comprehensive and customised concept, packages of measures are put together that can include services from the following areas, to name a few:
- Internal revision
- Anti-fraud management
- Support with providing evidence
- Integrity tests
- Asset tracing
- Social media analyses
- Pre-employment screenings
- Counter intelligence
- Implementing whistleblowing procedures
- Measures defending against eavesdropping
- Protection concepts for inventory discrepancies
- Authorisation and zone concepts
- Risk analyses for protection of ownership
- Implementing and updating compliance standards
- Training on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
Get in touch with us now for a no obligation quote.
Call us on (0201 / 2788-388) or send an e-mail to infokoetter "«@&.de.
Your expert: German Business Protection (GBP)
GBP is a company of the KÖTTER Group and convinces its customers with a new kind of consulting. We provide companies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), public authorities and private customers with comprehensive consulting services in the form of integrated risk management.
Get in touch now – we look forward to hearing from you!
Customer support
+49 (201) 27 88 - 388
E-Mail: infokoetter "«@&.de
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